Thursday, December 22, 2011

..when numbers introduced us..

Hye.. I am back.. see?? when my heart is in its level best as all of the application forms are out for kulliyyah's evaluation. Yet, to tell you the truth, I notice that there are 91 forms left at CPS without exact status. Only Asmadi can assist to reduce number of application form pending at CPS by updating list of rejected forms due to incomplete documents. (Academic Credentials and Research Proposal only)

Back to our story. I have mentioned before that he brought me doughnut right. Forgot to say, he left me note but without name. In Malay, "logik x logik tu?". The note written "4046" (my favourite number is 6 while my best friend's is 4). What the hell on earth can I retrieve those numbers. Since I am new, definitely I wont know what was that refers to. the Dean's secretary mentioned the guy name as I am asking, who did this. haha.. garang la cikit.

Owh.. its the extension number. So, should I call? Okla.. make la a courtesy call.. to acknowledge the acceptance of doughnut. I should printed a letter like accepting the application form. Computer generated, signature is not required. hahaha.

Still my uneasy feeling remains and it was first and last I received from him for that year. Maybe he also annoyed as I regularly interrupt the schedule with my language requirement proposal paper. Hello, do I look like, I like doing it? He urges me, you pushing me out.. Dean lagi, dier lagi..

Madam Abazaimah is so new that time, we both together went up the senate hall just because I dont want to meet that annoying guy. Takut sebenarnya.. Masam mencuka dia when I presented the amended version. Amended kot. Typing error. Alamak x bole tolerate langsung.

Ok.. I should go back now. Kak Ita da nak balik ni.. Maghrib da.. to be continued... Next would be on the meeting on Student's clearance system. Urm, this should be shared la.. sebab jarang kot kena meeting dengan mamat ni.. hahaha

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